Unicorn is a values-driven business, which sees success as something more than figures on a balance sheet. If we are providing a decent livelihood for our staff and our suppliers, if we are increasing the amount of land farmed sustainably and improving the environmental impact of our diet, if we are enabling good health through good food, if we are creating community wealth rather than shareholder wealth, if we are challenging traditional models of business ownership and control…then we are succeeding.

Principles of Purpose
Unicorn was established on the foundations of five ‘Principles of Purpose’, which continue to drive and inform everything we do…
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Co-operative Ownership
We are a workers’ co-operative, which means the shop is owned, controlled and run by the staff members you see on the shop floor…
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How We Source
Unicorn sells most of the types of things you’d expect to find in a medium-sized supermarket, but we source our produce a little differently. We aim to trade in a way that is less exploitative of people, animals and the earth, whilst maintaining a product range that is accessible to the diverse community we serve. This is a continual balancing act!….
Read more on How we Source page

Solidarity Funds
Each year, we set aside an amount equal to 5% of our total wage bill to support local and international projects that share our hope for a more just and sustainable world…
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Fair Tax
Unicorn is a Fair Tax Mark business, which means we’ve been independently verified as paying our fair share of corporation tax and reporting on it transparently…
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Real Living Wage
We’ve been paying all staff above the Real Living Wage for many years, and were accredited as a Real Living Wage Employer in 2019….
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Carbon Tax
We’re not big believers in carbon offsetting as a solution to climate change, but when it comes down to it, more trees are always a good thing. So since our founding we’ve supported the restoration of the great Caledonian Forest in Scotland…
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Our Building
The top of our building is home to an 825 square metre ‘living roof’, providing pond and meadow-like habitat for wildflowers, damselflies and many more species….
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We’re known for our selection of loose fresh produce and minimally packaged dry goods. We also offer an ever-increasing range of re-usable options, but we know this isn’t feasible for all products or for every type of purchase. Like many of you, we wish there was a solution for doing away with all disposable packaging!…